Friday, October 5, 2012

More Work?

Yes, that is a Warcraft reference.

I've found myself reading a few different articles lately about how people work.  Young House Love, a blog I follow rather obsessively (and write about here) recently reported their day-in-the-life post.  Then I happened across this short article about new media queen, Felicia Day.

Neither of them have the 'traditional' 9am-5pm job.  Their work is intermingled with their personal time, never really clocking in or out.  Each individual day of their work could require them to do something completely different from the day before.  And each of them are deeply integrated in "new" technology.

I think it has become sort of a hallmark of technology-related jobs that there are fewer rules (or at least less traditional rules).  Rumors of what the work environment is like at Google spread around like wildfire.  (Flexible hours, chef prepared lunches and free kittens from what I hear).  But as technology becomes more common place, even technology-free industries seem to be adopting a more flexible work day.  I don't really know a single person in the work force who has a job where they show up in the same place at the same time each morning and leave at the same time each evening.

It has gotten me thinking a lot about what my ideal work schedule would be.  I sort of suspect it would have a built in nap time.  I would have time to go for a walk in the afternoon.  I would be able to take a break and cook myself some dinner.  I would pretty happily work a few more hours into the night to be able to have my lunch/walk/dinner breaks every day.

What would you go for if you where in charge of your own schedule?

~Claire Out.

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