I tried to explain to Mike that I had never ever cut hair before. (Well there was this one time in fifth grade when I 'trimmed' my own bangs, but I didn't want to scare him with horror stories.) I am particularly ignorant about boy hair cuts. Side burns? What? However, Mike wouldn't listen to my warnings. He was just so fed up with doing the 'Bieber' head shake and all the other annoying parts of a mop-head that he was willing to hand me the scissors.

Scary right?
Cutting his hair took so long! I would say it was about forty-five minutes of me apologizing for not knowing what I was doing as I trimmed off tiny pieces of hair at a time. I was having flashbacks to the fifth grade bang incident, and wanted to 'hair' on the side of caution. (hee hee) I was completely flummoxed about what to do when I came to the ears. Do you cut around them? Make little ear flaps to go over the ear? I winged it.

Mike tried to give me useful tips about how the pros cut boy hair using a razor, sadly this only resulted in a slightly bald patch near the back. (Sorry love!) There were also several incidents of scissor stabs, that Mike handled with a lot more patience than I deserved. By the end of the haircut I had developed what I would loosely call a technique that I could apply in the future. (If, indeed, anyone trusts me with a pair of scissors again.)
We neglected to get a before picture since it was only halfway through that Mike mentioned this would qualify for a blog. Heck, I'm trying new things without even having to think about them! But here is the final product. Not to shabby right? (For a first attempt)

Any tips to a hair cutting novice?
I am impressed. I never would have had the guts to do that!
I laughed so hard reading this, my sides hurt. Yes I remember your bang experiment. But Mike's hair cut looks good. Good job Claire.
I didn't mean to DELETE that comment, argh!
I think Mike's hair looks great!
His hair looks about as short as mine. When I decided paying $20 every month was NOT an option, I invested in a hair clipper kit (http://amzn.to/huhwg5).
It comes with attachments so you CAN'T cut any shorter than the plastic allows, and each has a different length. Mine even has sideburn pieces!
Salon de Cheveux a Claire would be amazingly at ease with these!
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