Thursday, April 14, 2011

Impulse Control

Warning: This particular post is off theme. It isn't about new experiences, or expanding my horizons. It's about shopping.

I hate shopping for clothes. Hate it. I don't know what looks good on my body, I don't know what size I am, and about 90% of shopping trips end with no new clothes and a huge blow to my ego. However, I have friends that love it. If they have a free afternoon - BAM they are shopping. Digging through vintage shops, looking for bargans, and taking joy in finding awesome pieces or accessories. It is a past time, a hobby, a love affair with the act of shopping.

I can relate. Not about clothes, but there are some stores that I walk into and instantly want to look at every item in the shop and buy as much as I can afford. Hardware stores, book shops, and outdoor/adventure stores are so much fun to browse around in. It is like walking around in a museum of things you can buy. Each object represents some potential future project/ story / adventure. It's like when you are in these stores you are surrounded by possibilities.

Just to defend my materialistic rant for a moment. It isn't important to buy anything. In fact, "as much as I can afford" is often nothing. Just looking in these shops is a good time, just like hunting for clothes is fun for some friends of mine.

So, dear reader, what stores do you enjoy going to even if you don't buy a thing?

1 comment:

Amanda Vickerson said...

I ADORE kitchen stores for this very reason. I don't need any of it, but I love to look!