Earlier this week I found out that a childhood friend of mine had died.
I didn't know if I wanted to write about this in my blog. Discussing the new experience of dealing with the death of a peer seemed disrespectful, but so did ignoring the situation and writing about the mundane. So, instead of writing about myself, I'm going to talk about Evan.
One of my most vivid childhood memories was of Evan climbing nearly to the top of a massive pine tree in my front yard. I remember being impressed and terrified. To this day I've never seen a child climb higher.
He was a 'good' kid without being a suck up or tattle tale. As the only boy in our carpool he had to put up with a ton of crap from the girls. I recall he put up with our teasing more gracefully than a fourth grader really has a right to. No outbursts of anger or tears. Just good natured acceptance. I think some parent or other once compared him to Kermit the Frog. The one sane guy surrounded by crazy muppets. Subjected to their wacky schemes, but still (somehow) managing to enjoy himself.
I admired him. It breaks my heart to think of all of his potential left unfulfilled. My prayers go out to his family. I hope they can take some comfort in the fact that he was loved, admired and made a change for the better in the lives of those around him. He made a difference in mine.
~Claire Out.
I'm so sorry. <3
Thank you <3
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