Tuesday, May 31, 2011


My birthday always makes me so grateful! Grateful for all the many wonderful friends I've made, my wonderful family, and how lucky I am to be able to pursue what I want to do for my career. Every person who goes out of their way to wish me a happy birthday makes me feel so cared for and appreciated. I really am blessed.

As if that weren't enough, this year for my birthday, my parents drove down to visit me. We were able to explore some of LA, and visit a The Huntington Library, but I was also able to just enjoy their company playing games and watching movies. What a treat.

Every year on my birthday I expect to wake up with some new wisdom or insight into the world. I've actually never had that happen. Not once. Every piece of (seeming) wisdom I have gained has been developed and revised over the whole years of experience. Here are the few (theoretical) pearls of wisdom I've developed in my life so far and are most often repeated in my head these days.

Money Ain't No Thing.
Well, it is a thing, but it isn't the only thing. I need to take deep breaths and know my worth (thankfully) isn't measured by my bank account.

Enjoy The Moment.
I'm young, relatively healthy, happy, and just starting out in a career I love. Instead of stressing out about the future, I should enjoy the now.

Being Healthy Takes Effort.
At least for me. I can't just eat whatever, and exercise not at all and remain healthy. I need to put some thought in. It'll be worth it ... right?

Don't Panic.
Spinning your wheels and stressing out not only negatively impacts my body/mind/soul, but also those around me. Deeeeep breaths.

Never Take A Friendship For Granted.
Too rare and precious a thing. I should tend to my long distance friendships better than I do.

The plan is to fake it until I make it.

Take Responsibility, But Know When To Ask For Help.
A tricky balance. Haven't figured this one out yet.

Risk More.
I'm the kind of person that can look forever before they leap. Eventually one must jump into the fray.

So while none of these ideas came to me in a bolt of inspiration, they are wise words. (At least for me. At least for now.) Seven pieces of advice is already more than I can keep in my head at any one time, but perhaps as I continue to grow older and wiser I will need to be reminded less often.

Any other good pieces of advice from those wiser than me? I know you're out there.

~Claire Out.

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