Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Football: Living the Fantasy

I suppose I grew up watching football. Between season tickets to Stanford Football, and Sundays spent cheering on the 49ers on TV, I picked up a certain fondness for the game. Yet over the years, football and I have grown apart. This season however, a small reunion of sorts has occurred all thanks to fantasy football.

Now I am the first to admit that I never thought I would play fantasy football. It focuses on my least favorite part of the sport: statistics. And (though I hesitate to say this since I find this classification to be counterproductive to modern culture) fantasy football is for boys. But, the league needed me.

The office had managed to gather together eleven teams, and were looking desperately for a twelfth. Finally my co-worker and I decided we would co-manage a team. We represent the only two females in the league.

We decided to run with that theme and name our team in the manner of a hyperactive twelve year old girl. This was partly to announce how little we cared, and to simultaneously twist the knife of humiliation in case we actually win. Hence 'Pink Ponies 4 Eva OMG LOL' was born.

Our mascot looking fierce.

Allison, my co-caption took the brunt of the responsibility and was in charge of the draft since I was out of town in Seattle. She says it was one of the most stressful times of her life. With Allison's huge effort, and a few key trades we've managed to get a pretty reasonable team together. And despite some doubts (including our own), we're doing pretty well. So far we have a two wins the past three games.

I'm pretty shocked at how much I'm enjoying not only winning, but talking about and tweaking my team. The game is great excuse to chat a little more with my co-workers. Every Monday, we talk about how the teams did. Mid week is a flurry of trades and picking up players. And Friday is spent agonizing over the line up.

Ahh, camaraderie.

It seems that much like the football itself, it isn't weather you win or lose, but how you play the game.

~Claire Out.

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