Monday, January 31, 2011

All Things in Moderation

The saying goes, 'All things in moderation', but I am terrible about living that way. I have never in my life had a single cookie or just one handful of crackers. For me it is either all or nothing.

That's why I'm celebrating my one month anniversary of being soda free. Without getting too into it, I had a soda drinking problem. I could drink up to ten diet sodas in a day without even thinking about it. Every single thing I've read about nutrition and every friend or expert I've talked to just says I need to just cut it out. So with the start of the new year I did just that. I haven't had a single sip of soda in thirty-one days. (You may applaud.) I've missed it hardly at all so I will be continuing to choose non-soda beverages for the time being.

This got me thinking about other over-indulgences in my life. Since I am so terrible at moderation, I will be undergoing an experiment. As I did with the soda, I will live without one of my over-indulgences for one month, at which time I'll re-evaluate what place that indulgence has in my life. Does it need to be cut out completely like soda? Or will living without teach me to live with indulgence in moderation?

Next on my indulgence list? Alcohol. (Can I hear a heck yes from my fellow young people of America?) I love myself a great glass of wine, a pint of microbrew and a sugary-sweet cocktail. My problem is my tendency to drink several of each at a time. With my new attempt at healthy living I don't think there is room left for all the calories taken up with alcohol. So I've chosen February (the shortest month, not by accident) to contemplate my life without alcohol. I predict, come March, I'll toast to a new month with a yummy beer, but hopefully a month of doing without will help teach me how to enjoy a single drink, without going overboard. Here is to hoping!

What techniques do you have to live with moderation?

Claire Out.


Heather Todd said...

Oh my God. I needed this post. I'm an all-or-nothing sort of person, too, and I really like your idea of cutting indulgences for a trial period--one month--and then reevaluating. That's much better than trying to stop cold turkey...FOREVER. It gives you a chance to reconsider. I think I will adopt this method of dealing with my bad habits. Thanks! :D

Claire said...

I'm SO glad I'm not the only one who has such an 'all or nothing' style. When I tackle something I really go one day at a time. If it ever gets too much, I bet it isn't worth it for a whole month. Heather, you are a class act miss you loads. xoxo

Amanda Vickerson said...

First things first: HOORAY for tackling caffeine!! I know that's been the bane of your existence for quite some time.

Secondly, holy schlamoly, this is a GREAT idea! One month at a time is so much more manageable than total eradication.

I'm going to join you, with a twist. I spend WAY too much money on lunches out. I have to get back in the habit of packing my own, because I do NOT need to be spending $8, twice a week, for a panino, not matter how delicious it is.


Claire said...

I am DEFINITELY an "all or nothing" person. I battle with moderation a lot. For soda, in high school I could also down 10 a day, and I've had phases where I cut them out. Now I have a compromise where I have 1 diet soda at lunch and that's it. I get my treat and a boost of caffeine, but I'm also not having so much that it keeps me up at night. Keep up the good work buddy!

Anonymous said...

Hahaha, I laughed out loud at "(the shortest month, not by accident)" - I would so do that!

And no, you are SO not the only one with an all or nothing style. I've suffered from that a lot in the past!