Monday, January 24, 2011

Pessimistic Tendencies?

My garden is turning out to be a success!

My Asian Salad Mix was the first to sprout. Followed by my pea plants and my morning glories. Now edamame, squash and basil are all joining in. (Still waiting on my pepper and tomato plants, but I have a soft spot for late bloomers.)

In fact my garden has been such a success that everything has come up at least four days before I expected it to. Way to go California Sunshine and, of coures, my previously unknown superior plant tending skills. The only problem now will be thinning the heard when it comes time to transplant. And no joke, I will have to thin the heard.

It seems I was a little heavy handed when it came to planting the seeds. I remember thinking at the time the extra seeds (or extra sprinkle from the package) were 'insurance' in case some of the seeds turned out to be duds. Pessimistic? Some would say so, but I choose to think of it as being prepared. Once a Girl Scout . . . However, my tendency to prepare for disaster has left me with an embarrassment of riches. There is no way my tiny balcony will be able to support so many plants.

So, dear friends, you might just want to prepare yourselves for the gift of a small plant in a few weeks. It seems I'll have extras.