Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Korra: The Legend.

This past weekend I finished watching the season finale of "Legend of Korra".  I suspect that the readership of my blog can be neatly divided into two groups: 1) People who have already seen, watched and loved the show and 2) People who would never consider watching a cartoon for fun.

I will be addressing most of this post to the second group.  

(For those of you in group one, the fans of Legend of Korra and probably its predecessor, Avatar: The Last Airbender:  OH EMM GEE, right?  We should e-mail, skype and/or chat all about it really soon.)

Dearest group two,
  First of all, let me address your concerns about watching a cartoon.  I think the majority of your aversion comes from it being labeled as 'kid stuff'.  Beyond the fact that not all cartoons are exclusively for children (Pixar and Anime spring to mind...)  I would like to point out that the sophisticated themes of this show enrich it to adult-worthy viewing.  Like the universally (but-for-my-fiance) popular Harry Potter series, the themes of friendship, destiny, power, balance and family loyalty make it relatable for viewers of any age.

  If universal themes are not enough to win you over, may I recommend this show for it's kick-butt female characters?  Korra, (of who's Legend the show is based on) is a strong, complex and imperfect female lead.  Which is my VERY favorite kind!  There are other female characters that run the gambit of human experience, none is 'right', ideal or perfect, but they each actually bring something to the party aside from 'being female'.

   If female characters are not your cup of tea, then let me recommend the show on its aesthetic appeal alone.  This show has some visuals that could serve as impressive works of art in their own right.  My particular favorites are any sweeping shots of the city's lights.  I mean....

That... is... impressive.

With that, I think I'll end my love letter about Korra.  Themes that resonate, relatable, admirable female characters wrapped in a pretty pretty package... what more can you ask for?

~Claire Out.

P.S. You can watch the show here:  Legend of Korra.  

P.P.S. Two for two days walking so far.  Feeling good.

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