Friday, June 22, 2012


Yesterday, I had gotten myself into a pretty bad mood.  Out of habit I clicked to see my Facebook feed.  Instead of the normal slightly mundane observations or petty complaints of status updates we all are guilty of perpetuating, there were pronouncements of excitement.

A newly graduated friend got her first job.

Proud parents were showing off their adorable one week old baby.

And a friend shared about her acceptance into graduate school.

I sat back from my computer, excited and uplifted to be able to share in my friends' good news.  It put my own grumblings into perspective and reminded me that sometimes this crazy "internet" thing can use it's powers for good instead of evil.  Sometimes it can help a grumpy gal like me put things into perspective; helping me remember the victories achieved along with the goals yet to be tackled.

Congratulations to all of my friends and family for the accomplishments, changes-for-the-better and small battles won this week.

~Claire Out.


Megan said...

Nice post. Miss you!



P.S. I am overly excited about getting mentioned in your blog.

Claire said...

Yay Megan! Congratulations again on the new job... and the engagement. Exciting times!!!