Ah, January! The feeling of a fresh year when anything and everything is possible. So many people make new years resolutions that these first few weeks of the new year you can almost hear the world striving for self-improvement. For me this new year, I only had one goal: to take more pride in myself and the things I do.
I have to confess no matter how touchy-feely my goal sounds, hiding behind high-mindedness there is the traditional new years theme of (you guessed it) weight loss.
Sure my resolution also inspires reading great books, starting a garden and reaching out to old friends, BUT the 'lose 10lbs (or more!) subtext is totally there. You see, I wasn't always the unhealthy person you read before you today. There was a time in my life when I could run without trouble and swim for hours on end. (Those were the days!) Swimming has always been my work out of choice. It is easy on the joints, works out your full body and best of all, it has a built in cooling system. An overheated Claire is NOT a pretty sight.
I've been away from swimming for a little more than three years and every false start at getting back was because, in my time away, I'd gotten worse at swimming. My expectations of what I thought I should be able to do were never met and I ended up being disappointed. Solution? Ease back in.
So I went to the internet for help. I found a seemingly reasonable 'get (back) into swimming' program and made myself a chart for motivation.
While swimming isn't new to me, this program certainly is, so I feel it qualifies for the blog. Today I successfully completed day number one! It was hard, I felt awkward and none of my swim suits fit properly BUT I did it. So I've got to say I'm pretty proud of myself. Aren't resolutions great?
Claire Out.
Claire Out.
I love the overarching theme of your new year's resolutions! What a wonderful attitude.
I think you are a perfectly lovely human being and I'm stoked you're going to further recognize that about yourself!
Good for you!! I know exactly how you feel on the cycle of avoiding exercise. That's how I lived high school. When it's really hard and you can't reach your expectations it feels like failure, which is not a great feeling, and to avoid that feeling, you don't exercise. Not a great cycle. We've got to come to the realization that trying IS success. Keep it up!
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