Tuesday, May 3, 2011

May-be a Better Month

Well April sure went by quickly.

Here is the skinny on how my goals from last month went. I'm sad to report that my attempt to regulate my sleeping schdule was a complete failure. Complete. Failure. Maybe I'll try that again sometime in the future if I ever get a job with regular hours.

The news reading goal went better. I read some newspapers, some websites, and many many copies of Variety. Hopefully I'll keep up this good habit to move further along my path to become a well informed citizen.

This month, I've decided to stop overindulging in stress. Sounds nice hu? Anybody want to join me?

As has been my tradition, I also am adding a positive habit to the mix this month. I really want to get back on the work-out horse. With my late hours, I've had some more trouble getting going early enough in the morning to swim. (My fitness level is reflecting that.) So - my goal is to work out at the gym at least three times a week. With the week ending Sunday and starting Monday. I'm going to post a schedule to put on my fridge again so that I can have that great cross-it-out feeling throughout month.

Good luck to me. As always, I'll let you know how it goes.

~Claire Out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You can do it!