Friday, July 8, 2011

Writing vs. Reading

Well, my month of writing started out well. I made it about two weeks. I wrote at least a single sentience every single day. However, about the 20th my month of writing devolved into a month of reading.

I started (and finished) reading 'The Hunger Games" series, and once you started I found it impossible to stop. For those of you who haven't read these books, I highly recommend reading these page-turning, thought provoking, science fictiony books.

Some highlights of the series include: (but are not limited to)

1. A female protagonist.
2. Showcasing outdoor survival skills. (Which nurtures my inner Girl Scout)
3. A realistic portrayal of the dynamic between politics and the media. Fascinating.

They are not difficult to read. I finished the first one in twenty-four hours (despite having to go to work and sleep... pesky obligations). The writing style is solid and the pacing is breakneck. I completely recommend these books. When you're done, give me a call and we'll discuss.

~Claire Out.

1 comment:

kris {life at the table} said...

so good!!! i too couldn't put them down. i borrowed them from a friend at work (who's a much slower ready- she has a busy life), and it got to the point where i borrowed the last one after she started, read it in 2 days, and got it back to her before she was going on a long plane ride with it. they were intense!