Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Wednesday, December 14, 2011
New Recipe- Shepard's Pie

Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Calendar Girl
Friday, December 9, 2011
Tree in the House!
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Claire Vs. Running
For weeks and weeks I have had a glorious plan in my mind to try running.
I have a history with running: I don’t like it. I feel like I can never breath, I get upsettingly sweaty and the feeling of all my fat jiggling at once is very unpleasant. (On the bright side I made some of my best friends at school in the back of the pack while running ‘The Mile’ for P.E.) As soon as I finished off my physical education I enjoyed many years avoiding running completely.
However, lately running has been flirting with me. It has shown me photographs of bad ass healthy women running in Nike ads. I see the faces of friends glowing with pride (and sweat) at the end of 5Ks and Marathons. Even my injury prone brother has been running lately, (injury free and going strong). So the seed had been planted. I wanted to try running.
The idea formed in my head about a month ago.
What can I say? I am a procrastination master.
This morning I decided to actually go.
I had already planned out my two mile loop weeks ago (A good starting amount according to my brother). Last night I reviewed my route, set out my clothes and went to bed early.
In the morning I actually woke up, (HUGE accomplishment!) stretched, changed, and headed out the door, and ran.
I ran (rather slowly) for about half a mile before I switched to walking. I completed my loop walking at a brisk pace. My heart was absolutely still beating fast.
I was actually pleasantly surprised by how far I was able to keep running. Next time I plan on keeping up the running a little bit longer before I switch to the walk. My lack of cardio endurance is the limiting factor right now, not really muscle strength. Planning on working on building that up first.
Here are the benefits so far:
-I’m feeling awake at 9:00am.
-I know that even though I have a long day at my desk ahead, I’ve already done something good for my body. (This is a little something called piece of mind)
-I feel like this is something I could do again. While I did push myself, I don’t think I destroyed any muscles or bit off any more than I could chew.
I have such a love/hate relationship with goals, but here we go. My current goal is to do the same thing again tomorrow. Long term, I’m looking forward to when I can run for a mile straight.
Have any of you tried running lately? Was something chasing you? (haha, I’m soooo witty) Any advice you can offer to a running noobie?
~Claire Out.
Monday, October 24, 2011
Creative Costuming
This weekend was my first weekend free in three weeks. So, obviously, I overscheduled. (Did you read about my overscheduled vacation? Parts 1, 2 and 3?) The highlights of the weekend for me were my friend Chris’s "Mad Men" themed Birthday Party, and a dinner I hosted with the newly wed Leah and Chris.
I got really very exited about the chance to dress up for Chris’ party. I have a zero dollar policy with costumes these days. So I worked with what I already had. I took one of my favorite dresses that has a great retro top and used safety pins to modify the silhouette. I turned my A- line skirt into a pencil by simply folding in and pinning a little fabric on each side. Observe:

Then came the hair. Let me just start by saying that I have remedial hair styling skills. So I turned to a styling novice’s best friend: the internet.
I soon found several video tutorials on how to get the “Joan” hair from Mad Men. I teased, sprayed, and pinned my hair as best I could. The sweet (toxic) smell of hairspray brought me instantly back to my theater kid days. In the end I had something that looked like this:

(CONFESSION: I did have to shell out $3 and change to buy hairspray, which I have never before owned)
Not too bad for a first attempt. I don’t know that there will ever be a second attempt considering the amount of time it took. The whole dressing up process was really fun, but it made me grateful that I live in a time (and work in an industry) where I am allowed to go to work each day in jeans, a t-shirt and a ponytail.

~Claire Out.
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Love for Young House Love
On the heels of my vow to unplug, I thought it fitting to talk about one of my favorite places to dwell when I am plugged in: Young House Love.
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Time Out
I love my computer. I love my phone. I love my blogs, webcomics and podcasts. I love Pinterest, Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, Netflix and Hulu.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Returning To Life
I am slowly coming out of the cloud of exhaustion that is a side effect of working both days and nights. I am still catching up on sleep a few hours at a time. By my calculations I should have recuperated 100% (or close to it) by the end of this week.